Tanggap Bencana - Banjir Makassar


On the 1-6 of February 2019, ADRA Indonesia distributed relief aid to the flood victims in Makassar, focused especially in Makassar city and the Gowa District. 100 food item packages were distributed to the people most in need.  ADRA Indonesia was supported by YES Makassar (youth emergency service), a youth organization led directly by Wennel Runturambi. Wennel is one of ADRA’s trained Emergency Response Team (ERT) member. The relief aid was able to be funded by the many donations we received through ADRA Indonesia.

The flood that occurred on the 22nd of January 2019 was caused by the high intensity of rain that occurred during the end of 2018 and into early 2019. The consecutive days of rain on January 21 to 22 of January 2019 was the peak. According to the BNPB, 106 villages spread across 61 sub-districts in 13 districts/cities namely Jeneponto, Maros, Gowa, Makassar City, Soppeng, Wajo, Barru, Pangkep, Sidrap, Bantaeng, Takalar, Selayar, and Sinjai were severely affected by the flood. The flood claimed the lives of 59 people with 25 people still missing.


“I hope that all elements of society and the government together can handle this disaster. I am happy to be involved in this response and I hope assistance provided will ease the burden of the victims of the disaster,” said Wennel Rumambi.


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