World Aids Day in Manokwari Papua

HIV is not easily transmitted. HIV is transmitted through risky sex, the use of more than one syringe and blood transfusions. Viruses are also easily transmitted from mother to child, for example through breastfeeding. 

The assumption and myth of HIV transmission cannot be separated from the stigma that still exists at this time. Those who know better are able to better respond to the stigma about HIV and AIDS. This is different from the people who still lack knowledge about HIV and AIDS. The presence of stigma caused the key and affected populations are fear of testing, accessing health services, and taking medication.

To reduce stigma and discrimination against PLWHA (people living with HIV/AIDS), in commemoration of WORLD AIDS DAY 2018 on the 1st of December 2018, the West Papua Province Government together with KPA West Papua Province, District / City AIDS Commissions, PtPs, ADRA Indonesia and KP. Sorong Sehati carried out various activities such as walking and invite the general public to test HIV without fear and hesitation. 

After a leisurely walk, the Governor of West Papua and his wife took an HIV test, and were followed by participants on another leisurely walk. With this example, it is hoped that all communities will NOT FEAR THE HIV TESTS in health services available in Manokwari Regency. “REMEMBER, I DARE, I AM HEALTHY”.

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