WASH Barus water project

NORTH BARUS – SIBOLGA. ADRA Indonesia’s WASH North Barus Project, supported by ADRA International successfully accomplished water facilities construction with 415 Water Piping System installed in four villages through 12,948 m piping construction, 2 water collection box constructed, 8 water reservoirs installed, 800 families have better access to improve drinking water. 

Sanitation: 70% of family construct new latrine 50% of family disposing of human waste properly. 700 people received Hygiene Promotion through schools, meetings, and IEC.

There was32 water management committee officers elected by the community in those 4 villages to manage water facilities on a daily basis. With continued support from ADRA International, ADRA Indonesia support more families to construct their latrines. With our team in the ground, we support Water Committee to conduct marketing sanitation and hopefully will construct latrines for 100 families up the mid of 2014.

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