UAP Training part 2 – BPTP

Last June, ADRA Indonesia and the people of Bantar Gebang visited BPTP (Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian) / Agriculture Technology’s Institute to do another training for ADRA Indonesia’s Urban Agriculture Project. This was the second UAP training after the previous training with Bekasi Berkebun.

The people of Bantar Gebang were so excited to join this training. They were all ready when the bus picked them up at 6 in the morning. After 2 hours driving, to the location of BPTP which is in Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta, we then arrived there at 8. There were 28 participants in total, who were then divided into two teams for going around the garden of BPTP. While we were having this tour, we were accompanied by one of the BPTP officers who gave us an explanation of the plants, the different types of planting, etc. After going around to see the fresh plants in BPTP, the two teams were gathered into one team again. We came inside the BPTP building, to receive materials BPTP had prepared for us.It was an amazing experience and very helpfull for the UAP, as the trainers at BPTP explained everything in detail.

They were a pool of knowledge and we learned so much from them.After the lessons, we were all gathered outside and a practical demonstration of what we learned was given. It was a great activity and everyone enjoyed it a lot.The training came to a happy end at 1 pm. The people of Bantar Gebang were so thankful to the BPTP trainers. Now, the people of Bantar Gebang are armed to share the knowledge gained within their community.Thank you BPTP for the contribution, we hope our association will continue for a long long time.

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