Training on Gender and Protection

Through the REAF II Project, ADRA held Training on Gender and Protection. This training lasted for 2 days and was attended by 15 participants, namely 7 staff members and 8 group leaders from 4 assisted villages.

Gender inequalities often occur in communities. Men and women have unequal access to resources. Women in general have limited participation in public spaces due to social and cultural norms that inhibit and limit their participation. They are reluctant to express their ideas or get involved in decision-making processes in village meetings or group meetings.

“One of the focuses of the REAF II project is capacity building for women. Therefore, ADRA holds gender training for their staff and group leaders. It is hoped that the participant will be able to train the community in the village”, said Kusdijono – Project Manager REAF II.

The objectives of the training are to refresh the knowledge of participants so they have the capacity to increase awareness of gender equality and to improve the skill of participants by practical exercise in gender analysis and gender mainstreaming at community level.

The expected output of this training is that the participants understand the concept of gender, especially in implementation of the REAF II project. Participants understand how to use gender analysis tools to know how to divide work among women and men, and differentiate their access and control to life’s source.

At the end of the training, a post-test was held to see how far the level of understanding of the trainees was and there was an increase of 11% in the staff and 30% in the group of leaders.

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