Getting into a long queue line was not a problem for the beneficiaries, one by one they stood in an orderly line ready to exchange their coupons for relief aid packages. They left the distribution site feeling happy, some of them went back to their camps and shelters while some of them returned to their relatives and family’s houses.”Thank you so much, we were not expecting the relief aid you have given to our family to be this much, We haven’t received enough assistance since the flash flood occurred,” said one of the flash flood victims in Gajah Mada, Sentani.
On the 22nd of March 2019, ADRA Indonesia distributed relief aid to the disaster-affected communities in Sentani, Jayapura District, Papua. Every household received one package consisting of 25 kg of rice (carbohydrate), 4kg of tinned fish (protein) and 3 kg of nabaty oil (fat).
In total 287 packages were distributed to the targeted areas of Gajah Mada in Yahim village, Doyo Baru, Doyo lama and Mansin village in Sentani Lake. One day after the disaster, ADRA Indonesia’s disaster response team flew to Sentani. After assessing the needs, determining the target location and the selecting of beneficiaries was complete, the team prepared the logistics and started the distribution. 2 water tanks with a capacity of 1.100 litter each were also donated to a post set up in Doyo Baru school and in AAI. These water tanks will be used for storing clean water used for daily needs such as drinking water, bathing, and cooking.
Reported by BNPB, the flash flood occurred on 16 of March 2019 in Sentani, Jayapura District, Papua has claimed 112 lives, 94 people missing, 107 severely injured, 374 house damaged and 11.556 were evacuated.