Rising up for total sanitation


People of Lombok put their fate in tourism as one of the sectors for economic growth. While Lombok is progressively becoming the second home to visitors, the sanitary condition will tell about their future development. Tumpak village, located on the southern coast of Lombok Island, needs to be open defecation free (ODF) area to support their vision for the beautiful tourist destination. 

Innovative Solution

The established, trained village sanitation team has worked hard to socialize the vision of ODF village by triggering and presenting the findings and qualities of the goal to 250 dwellers. With the support of the local government, through house visitations, healthy school programs, water treatment, and comparative study, and religious rituals, the leaders campaigning the importance and benefits of 5-pillar CLTS involving the whole community to practice hygienic and clean behavior.   

Sustainable Results

Batu Totok, one of 14 hamlets within Tumpak village, is declared as 100% ODF hamlet. Before its dwellers had no access to latrines but only the hamlet head’s family. Inaq Sobri, a blind old women living in a bamboo hut, said, “The healthy ones don’t want to make own toilet, but I do,” feeling guilty of defecating near the riverbank which its water is usually used for wudhu (ablution—rituals of cleaning parts of body before praying in mosque). The endline compared to baseline survey done in Tumpak village results significant overall increases in CLTS pillars, mostly ODF (from 15% to 50%) and household water treatment (from 28% to 88%). 

Community-led Total Sanitation (CLTS) PromotionTumpak Village, Pujut Sub-district, Central Lombok Regency, West Nusa TenggaraNovember 2011-July 2012

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