Rising up for nourishment


Under-five children‘s nutritional status indicates community welfare, child survival measures, and reflections on conditions in which children (and others in society) live, including their healthcare. In Sangihe, mothers and caregivers and their under-five children have low attendances in Posyandu (Integrated Services Post) in each village.As the results, the number of the stunted and malnourished children has increased annually. This is due to lack of services done by local health cadres who mostly dependent on the health workers from Puskesmas (Community Health Center) who serve many villages within each sub-district. In fact, some mothers in the community who face the common challenges and constraints are able to keep their children healthy and well-nourished. 

Innovative Solution

Posyandu Revitalization was the first done by ADRA in order to communally share and apply the result of positive deviance inquiry in each village and sub-districts. Local health cadres were well-trained, mothers and caregivers are involved in each stage, and monthly reports are regularly presented in each village’s deliberation meeting composting all the stakeholder of the village.

Sustainable Results

This has been benefiting the community as a whole and they are now able to monitor and evaluate their own social welfare level and take appropriate actions related findings and information. Attention to improve child’s nutrition brings a regent-wide commitment to take real actions at all levels to sustain the Posyandu. Health and Nutrition Education Program (HANEP) Sangihe Island Regency, North Sulawesi July 2009-June 2012

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