Recovery of Economy for Earthquake Affected Families in Sigi District, Central Sulawesi


ADRA Indonesia is implementing the Recovery of Economy for Earthquake Affected Families (REEF) Project in the Sigi district. REEF project funded and supported by Swiss Solidarity (SwS) and ADRA Switzerland. The target of this project is to help 1.000 families cultivate their agriculture land in agriculture in Pulu, Jono, Poi, and Bangga of Sigi District. The project is running in close coordination with line agencies, national and local stakeholders as well as the active participation of the beneficiaries.

There are three major activities in this project; Irrigation system repaired and the land restored to support, increased community engagement in the process of restoring the irrigation canals, and cash for agricultural inputs.

The first major activity started by conducting assessments together with volunteers and representatives of the water-user association in the four villages to draw the dimensions of the damage of the canals to repair it.

The second major activity is increased community engagement in the process of restoring the irrigation canals. By that, ADRA formed Cash for Work (CFW). Participants are selected according to criteria and physical condition in a healthy or not sick condition. To provide social security and protection for workers, workers receive BPJS employment (The Indonesian National Health Insurance).

This project will utilize conditional, restricted cash transfer and conditional unrestricted CFW modality using the regional bank of Bank Sulawesi Tengah (Bank Sulteng). Bank Sulteng is owned by Central Sulawesi Government and ADRA Indonesia is already using their services for the cash transfer program on early livelihood recovery in Sigi District.

The irrigation system repaired and the land restored to support agriculture in Pulu, Jono, Poi, and Bangga of Sigi District

Increased community engagement in the process of restoring the irrigation canals

The project will also identify local suppliers, vendors, and connect to the Bank Sulteng to become part of the recommended suppliers from whom beneficiaries purchase agriculture inputs. Once a simple business plan has been completed by the beneficiaries, they should submit an ID card to get a bank account and the bank will issue the card which can be used in the selected suppliers/vendors to purchase agriculture inputs. Indeed, the beneficiaries can also purchase agriculture tools or equipment according to their urgent needs for starting their agriculture business.

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