Public Latrines & Emergency Shelter assistance

With the support of KerkinActie, ADRA is focusing to provide humanitarian assistance in Sigi District; Dolo Selatan and Kulawi Sub-District.  Its estimated that about  7 villages will  be targeted that would cover 1,550 households (6.200 people).

 Emergency Shelter assistance  will  be provided  and Public latrines facilities will be constructed according to needs and following sphere standards. Emergency Shelter assistance will enable the households to have a place to stay in the most difficult situation. The shelter kit will comprise of complete kit that would require to established transitional shelter. Tarpaulin, rope, nails, hammer and handsaw would be under shelter kit. Each household will receive 3 Tarpaulin.  Shelter Assistance  will  be  provided to those households whose houses are fully damaged and are living in open area and will not be able to repair or reconstruct their houses soon.

Vulnerable groups such as female headed households with children, elders, pregnant and lactating mothers, family having member with disability or member with chronic disease will be given priority followed by other worst affected beneficiaries. The monsoon that is expected to arrive in late October is making those homeless people more vulnerable. Provision of temporary shelter will protect the vulnerable households from heat and rain. 

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