Pst Abri Santoso’s Story

Pastor Abri Santoso is the Director of Household Services, Health Services, Community Services / ADRA Coordinator, and Adventist Possibilities Ministry at the East Java Conference (EJC). He has been involved in humanitarian services by helping disaster victims with the Department of Community Services at the East Java Conference since 2012.

In 2017 he joined ADRA as a volunteer by participating in the Disaster Management Training on 23-27 May in Jakarta. ADRA’s joint service began with being involved in the response to the Mount Agung Bali disaster. The assistance provided was a combination of ADRA Indonesia and EJC Community Services which took place on October 02 – 18, 2017. As Director of Community Services, he felt the need for cooperation with ADRA and together recruited around 80 volunteers in Bali when Mount Agung erupted.

Realizing the importance of preparedness to be resilient in the face of disasters, he coordinated the Adventist Volunteer Training in EJC with ADRA and BPBD of East Java Province in Surabaya on 4 – 6 December 2017. This training was attended by 56 participants.

On 08 – 31 August 2018, he recruited and facilitated Volunteers from inside and outside EJC to be involved in services to help earthquake survivors on Lombok Island with ADRA. Providing breakfast and dinner for volunteers and serving in North Lombok, which was the most affected area by the disaster.

Matthew 25:34-40 When the Lord Jesus was hungry, naked, and as a stranger, what have we done to help? Yes, He exists as a victim of natural disasters, exposed and suffering. Please don’t hesitate to join as a Volunteer and you will meet Jesus there.

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