Opportunity Shop as the name implies consists of two English words translated as Opportunity Shop. Yes, Op Shop (Short for Opportunity Shop) is a shop that provides an opportunity for the community to share with others in need. The purpose of the Op Shop was founded as a community service that benefits many individuals.
Op Shop accepts donations, providing quality second-hand clothing and goods at affordable prices to those in need. Op Shop relies entirely on donated items from donors. The volunteers manage and fund its operations by themselves. For volunteers, the Op Shop provides an opportunity to be involved in humanitarian service and make a difference and change in their communities. The funds raised from the sale are fully used to fund various humanitarian programs such as; disaster response emergency fund, training and disaster risk reduction, Library projects for children in various places in Indonesia, and other programs.
The community can get involved and support this program by becoming a donor or volunteering to promote and manage the shop with other volunteers. The items that can be donated include household appliances, electronic goods, furniture, equipment and children’s toys, fashion, and other items that are still functioning properly and are used so that they can be resold.
Please contact us :
Whatsapp : +62 812-1953-8052
Facebook : opsiadraindonesia
Instagram : opshop_adra
We’re Open :
09:00 AM to 03:00 PM at
Pasar PSPT East Tebet, South Jakarta.