Shifa, the name of the 32-month-old girl from Sumur Batu village is the daughter of a health cadre, Mrs. Siti Jubaedah. When ADRA staff first recorded her weight, this little girl’s weight was 10kg and included in the category of malnutrition. The observation did by ADRA in the field, Syifa is indeed difficult to eat and picky in terms of eating. There are only a few foods she likes. Currently, Shifa is still breastfeeding and that is the only source of nutrients for her. There is not a lot of nutrients that she got from breast milk, considering she is almost 3 years, in which the content of nutrients in breast milk also decreases.
After several times participating in ADRA’s Nutri-Pro Supplementary Feeding Program, a program in which the mothers are preparing healthy nutrients food for their children, for half of this month (January 2015), her mother told that there was a change in her. Each time when the schedule of ADRA’s Feeding Program, which is about 09:00 or 9:30 am, Shifa already whining asked her mother to take her immediately where the project takes place, which is in the house of another health cadre, Mrs. Arsih. “Mama.. Mama.. Let’s go to Aa Adi’s house. To eat” pleaded Syifa to her mother when the time arrives. Although she is very difficult to eat, having a meal together with the other people, boosts her appetite to eat. Even though she didn’t eat all, Shifa felt happy when she eats together.
In a child’s parenting, sometimes some children only want to eat when they are with friends or family. There are also who want to eat while watching TV or strolling around the neighborhood. Therefore, parents must understand how to nurture their children especially in terms of their appetite. Mrs. Jubaedah is not the only one, there are also some other mothers who say with ADRA’s Supplementary Feeding Program, their children have their appetite.
Another story comes from Mrs. Onah, a native citizen of Sumur Batu village. She is a mother of Andre Maulana, a 22 month-old toddler who is well-nourished but is still within the yellow curve, which means he needs to be taken care, so he will not be undernourished. Before the arrival of ADRA one month ago, Andre was suffering from frequent falls. His appetite was reduced. When Nutri-Pro Program starts, his condition has improved but is still in the recovery phase. Mrs. Onah said her son was so happy to join Nutri-Pro Supplementary Feeding Program by ADRA. Andre became impatient for the program to come. Currently, his appetite is increasing and his mother also felt that Andre’s weight is increasing every time she carried him. Not only Mrs. Onah and Mrs. Jubaedah, the other mothers in Sumur Batu Village felt happy too with the presence of ADRA and its program, their children are now having their appetite when they all eat together!
Written by Diyarti, ADRA staff for Program Nutri-Pro-Child.