Iva Dewi’s Story

Iva Dewi Nababan is happy to be an ADRA Ambassador. Daily, Iva is a private teacher for Kindergarten and Elementary School students and she also provides therapy for children with special needs.

Being a part of humanitarian service is something that she is proud of and exciting. Some of the things that motivate her to join in the humanitarian ministry are because she likes to serve and be involved in social activities that help others. Iva wants to share and feel the burdens of others and become a channel for the blessings of God’s love for them. In addition, by participating in these activities, she gained a lot of experience and new knowledge, also got friends who have the same vision and mission in the ministry.


Iva started his ministry with ADRA Indonesia in December 2020 and was involved in the “Bukuku Buku” project. This project is a book collection project that will be sent to Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara to build a library. The aim is to increase the knowledge and insights of the children and their teachers because of the lack of internet access in that location. Iva shares information about the collection of these books with friends and relatives. Thanks to information from Iva, her friends sent their books that have not been read anymore, ranging from textbooks, general knowledge to spiritual books.


“The air we breathe every morning when we wake up is an alarm from God, a sign that He is giving us one more day to give thanks and do good deeds with the Creator,” said Iva.

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