International Women’s Day Celebration

On Tuesday  March 21st 2023, the REAF II Project team held an International Women’s Day Celebration, this event coupled with the closing of the Agricultural Technical Training which had been running for six days. The event was held around the meeting hall of The Agriculture Instrument Standardization Body (BPSIP) Department of Agriculture of Central Sulawesi in Sigi district. There were 22 participants (8 males and 14 Females) of the agricultural technical training, 13 staff of the BPSIP (11 Males and 2 Females), and 8 people of the REAF II Project team (4 males and 4 females) who attended the event.

Kusdijono, the REAF II Project Manager, in his remarks to start the event, explained the history and meaning of the International Women’s Day celebration. The theme for this year is Accelerating Equality and Empowerment: How Women’s Leadership and Collective Action Can Make a Difference.

The participants read out their respective statements regarding the hope to become independent and strong women who can support their families income and also the community. They realized the important role of women to take care of their families, community and even the natural resources. All the other audiences who attended the event expressed their support to them.

The female participants wrote their wishes on a piece of paper and stuck it on the balloons that had been prepared, then they flew the balloons together praying those wishes would come true.  After that, the REAF II Project team continued with distribution of door prizes and quizzes for technical agricultural training participants.

The event was then closed with the cutting of tumpeng (traditional “hilly” meals) by REAF II Project Manager, Kusdijono and the Head of BPSIP Mrs. Syamsyiah Gafur. Everyone was happy attending the event.

Once again, Happy International Women’s Day. 

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