Food security assessment of Farmers livelihood Needs

Entering the 1st Phase of Project Implementation of Canadian Food-grains bank initiated the livelihood project in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia, “REAF: Food Security Enhancement and Livelihood Recovery for Earthquake-Affected Farmers in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia” in Palu, the ADRA Palu team received an Orientation visits by Avish Raj, Senior Manager, CFGB Program, ADRA Canada and Salil Bhattarai, PhD, Livelihood Team Leader, ADRA Nepal. Both people provide assistant to ADRA REAF Team building.

The purpose of the Orientation is:

• Undertake field visit to understand the context and meet stakeholders to understand the context and review the relevance of proposed activities

• Support project team//ADRA Indonesia in refinement/readjustment of project activities if required

• Support project team/ADRA Indonesia to reassess the alignment between planned activities and budget

• Orient project staff on project activities and implementation approach and to prepare Detail Implementation Plan (with sub-activities and timeline)

• Support project team to draft implementation guideline of each activity

• Share lessons learnt from similar intervention within the region and elsewhere.

• Review job description for key technical staff in-charge of agriculture and livelihood activities.

By the assistance of ADRA Program Director, Karlo Purba and Finance Manager, Murni Kumala, the team also did a field visits and discussion with beneficiaries/potential beneficiaries, discussion with stakeholders, project staffs and project designers including ADRA Indonesia Programme Director and ADRA Canada Senior Manager (CFGB programme). Group works and Reflection/presentation of experiences from similar projects from Nepal and elsewhere. As a results the project proposal has several refinement and budget revision. This is the two-year project

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