After completing the retrofitting of 15 houses in Pakuli Utara Village, ADRA Indonesia continued the retrofitting with ferrocement wraps for 5 houses. Within 1 week from December 1, 2020, to December 8, 2020, the 5 houses have been strengthened. With 1 mason, 1 laborer, and assistance by the homeowner, this method of retrofitting was completed in a short time and this proves that the reinforcement method with ferrocement wrapping is easy to do, requires simple tools, and the required materials can be easily obtained.
After successfully strengthening 20 houses in Pakuli Utara village, currently, ADRA Indonesia continues to move to strengthen other villages. Currently, there are approximately 80 housing units committed to strengthening their houses using the ferrocement method after being educated and also through “watching together” activities on how to strengthen earthquake-resistant houses. The 80 houses are scattered in several areas/locations, namely 1 unit in Palu city, 1 unit in Karawana village, 1 unit in Tuva village, 37 units in Namo village, and 40 units in Maranata village. Some of them have been completed and the rest are still under surveillance.