Helping Mrs. Mina, an elderly who works as a farm freelancer

That afternoon Heru, one of the managers of the KOMIDA cooperative who also took the responsibility as an ADRA volunteer in the “Save the Elderly People from COVID-19” project, was walking to a village where he would meet some elderly women who were the members of the KOMIDA cooperative. On the way to the village, he accidentally saw an old lady sitting in front of her house. It seemed that she was in despair. So, Heru was interested in approaching her, although she was not the targeted beneficiaries according to his plan.

Mina, the old lady, was very surprised when Heru talked to her, asked about her condition, and offered the assistance from ADRA through the KOMIDA cooperative. She was stunned and happy that made her spontaneously bowed down to the ground in gratitude. It made Heru feel very shocked and touched. He came precisely at the right time when Mina was really in need.

Mina lives with her daughter’s family. She usually works as an agriculture freelancer. Not only her but also her daughter and her son-in-law work as agriculture freelancers. When she does her job, she usually gets around 3 USD a day. But the government policy on “Large-Scale Social Restriction” because of COVID-19 pandemic, make her and her family lost their jobs. Mina was thinking sadly about how they could survive with this condition when suddenly Heru came to approach her and talk to her.

When Heru asked her about COVID-19, Mina did not understand it. She thought that if she worked under the sunshine, she would not get infected by the virus. She also believed that the virus was still far away from her. It would not reach their village.

A few days later, Heru visited Mina to deliver assistance in the form of an electronic cash card as much as IDR 1.500.000 and a hygiene package such as a dozen cloth masks, some soap, and hand sanitizers. Mina and her family were very surprised and happy. Mina once again bowed down to the ground in gratitude when she received the assistance. She did not believe that it was real. She and her whole family were crying in happiness. Heru cried too. It touched his heart very much when he saw them crying in happiness, and he feels thrilled and proud to be part of the team in this project.

Heru not only handed over the assistance but also gave a poster with COVID-19 prevention messages for the older people. He explained every point on this poster to Mina and her family. It made them understand how to prevent Mina and themselves from the virus. Heru explained that they must wear masks when they were out of home, wash their hand with soap, and keep a distance from others. Mina also commits not going out or working to keep herself safe from the virus. The family also agrees to take care of Mina to save her from the virus. The cash assistance will help her to stay at home because she does not need to work.

Mina said that she was very happy because she could receive assistance from ADRA. She was not only able to buy her primary needs such as rice, cooking oil, egg, sugar, etc., but she was also able to buy some cookies and syrup to celebrate Eid Mubarak day as a Muslim. She was delighted because she could share the cookies with her grandchildren.

After several days, Heru called Mina through her granddaughter’s mobile phone to give her psychosocial support. Mina was thrilled when Heru asked about her condition. She even hardly spoke because she was crying in happiness when Heru called her. Heru also reminded her to practice healthy living that he had informed her previously. Mina and her family said that they had practiced the health protocol related to COVID-19. The family wears masks whenever they go out of the home. They also wash their hands and feet whenever they come home. Mina herself also practices the healthy daily routine that Heru has told her. The whole family is very thankful for what ADRA and KOMIDA have done to support them because of COVID-19.

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