Hasan Bisri: Strengthening Resilience in Pandeglang District

Hasan Bisri, Acting Head of BPBD Pandeglang stated that the Pandeglang District Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) has taken several steps related to Anticipatory Action. First, they conducted socialization through social media and several radio stations. Second, they provided socialization and education to the head of the sub-district. Third, they conveyed information in official meetings with other government agencies.

BPBD continues to coordinate with various parties, including the Regional Water Company (Perumdam). During the drought season, BPBD and Perumdam will work together to distribute and provide water. BPBD also informed the Head of Village Community Empowerment Agency (PMD), villages can prepare reserves of clean water and water for agriculture through village ponds.

“Anticipatory action is crucial because it has impacts on people, animals and the village’s micro business products. If there is prolonged drought, we must ensure the safety of some species and specific plants, as it can lead to animal deaths and agricultural losses, causing farmers to suffer losses.”, said Hasan Bisri.

Hasan believes through collaboration with ADRA, there are valuable experiences and best practices from other areas regarding Anticipatory Action that can be shared with them and serve as good conceptual references for disaster mitigation documents in the three phases of a disaster.

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