Hopes for a better future

Adira, 23 years old, is a housewife with two children. To meet the needs of her small family, she relies on her husband’s daily income as a builder.

The flash floods in September 2020 had caused them to lose their temporary housing provided by the Government for the family affected by the earthquake in September 2018. “The house was damaged; leaking roof and the house filled with mud and sand. We were no longer safe to live in; we moved to stay at my parents’ house and ended up living in a friend’s temporary house,” Adira husband explained.

Continued, he explained, “a few months ago, unexpectedly, one day in the evening, we heard a roar getting louder and louder, and we felt that this was a sign that the flash flood would happen again. Adira and I immediately packed up our stuff, grabbed our two children, and rushed to the family’s house in a neighboring village with a higher elevation. About an hour later, I returned to the hamlet to see my parents that were still left behind. I found the village was already filled with floods, mud, sand, and big trees. I also found my parents’ house destroyed by the flood. We lived in a neighboring village-Pulu until we felt safe, then returned to Rogo village. Now, we are staying at the in-laws’ house. 

Adira and her husband were grateful to receive ADRA’s cash assistance. “We got IDR8,000,000, and we used this money to buy 10×13 meters of land and materials to build our family’s house. We consulted with village leaders to ensure the ground is safe enough for their new house,” she said with a smile of joy.

Thank you, ADRA, for caring to help our family and others for a speedy recovery. We hope that no more disasters will ruin our lives and that the Government will find a safe place for people to live.

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