ECHO Project

The Central Sulawesi province in Indonesia have witnessed massive earthquake in Richter scale of 7.4 followed by Tsunami caused an intensive damage in Sulawesi province affecting 1.9 million people that killed more than 1948 people, injured 10,679. It is estimated that 65,733 houses damaged, and more than 74,444 people are displaced. Rescue operation is still ongoing in many places by various government agencies, army followed by relief assistance in makeshift camps. Country was just recovering from the impact of recent Lombok earthquake have faced another major disaster affecting whole government machineries forced to appeal support from the International communities.

The disaster has created huge humanitarian need in the form of Shelter, food, health, WASH, communication, logistics and other essential household’s commodities (NFIs).

With ECHO support, ADRA is focusing to provide humanitarian assistance in 15 villages in Sigi District, in Central Sulawesi province. This action is to address most essential humanitarian needs of shelter, NFIs and Food. To address food security challenge in the targeted area, total 3500 HHs (14000 people) will be provided with emergency Food assistance meeting minimum standards of 2100 Kcal per day per person. 2000 households (8000 people) will be provided with most required emergency shelter assistance (shelter kits) to protect from adverse weather and monsoon rain.  Considering further risk this action will provide Hygiene kits as NFI assistance to 2000 Households (8000 people).

Hygiene kit will also have Bucket with lid enabling targeted households to collect and store water for domestic consumption. This intervention will coordinate with local government, other humanitarian agencies and ECHO partners for closer synergy and to avoid duplication and overlapping.  

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