Developing Group’s Activity Plan

Project Manager REAF II Kusdijono met Dr. Abdul Wahab, Sp., MP as head of the Central Sulawesi Agricultural Research and Development Agency on October 26, 2022. The purpose of the meeting was to coordinate and deliver a program that focuses on recovery for the earthquake and Covid-19 affected population in Sigi district, Central Sulawesi province, which will be implemented for the next 3 years in 4 villages. Welcomed and responded with a positive response by Dr. Abdul Wahab, in the future to be able to collaborate between the government, ADRA and the community.

In the first week of this month, ADRA facilitated farmer groups in Tuva village, Gumbasa sub-district to develop an activity plan. The group is called the New Hope group. The participants are aware of gender issues between men and women thus encouraging group members to play a joint role in decision making, implementation and agreeing on decisions in the group so as to produce a positive impact for all members. This meeting was attended by 15 participants and chose Mrs. Sriyani as chairman, Mr. Oskar as secretary and Mrs. Meylin as treasurer.

Group members worked together to make their activity plan.

The agenda of activities followed by the participants are: (1) mapping their situation, assets and opportunities in participatory approach; (2) Identifying assets, potentials and opportunities for change, not only for increasing income but also knowledge, skills and food security; (3) visioning better future, set smart goals and develop 3 years program including tentative budget; (4) Determine the person in charge of the plans that have been prepared.

Another group which is the women farmers, called Tunas Group consists of 21 participants. The meeting agreed to appoint Nurhaliza as a Chairman, Astri as a Secretary and Treasurer. In the group plan, there is an agreement to make liquid and solid fertiliser with fermentation method using organic materials. It is hoped that the fertiliser can provide additional income to the group in addition to the savings and loan business in the group. This activity also supports the reduction of the use of chemical fertilisers which has an impact on the high cost of providing agriculture and the health of the food produced.

All the members of the group worked together to implement their plans. Thanks to your support so that all these earthquake-affected families and Covid-19 can improve their livelihood to REAF II Project assistance funded by the Canadian Foodgrains Bank.

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