Retrofitting house to mitigate potential earthquake in West Bandung
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House Retrofitting for the Rustam family
Takandeang village, Tapalang sub-district, located on the Trans Sulawesi Poros road, is a village approximately 34 kilometres from Mamuju City, West Sulawesi. Being far from the city causes limitations, the progress of modernisation is not evenly accessible to the local village community. It is where 48-year-old Rustam and his family live. He lives a simple […]
Training for Masonry, Local Labor, and Assessor
Previous Next Training for Masonry, Local Labor, and Assessor is one of the Expanding Safe Project Programs led by ADRA Indonesia, Teddy Boen, and Kerk In Actie. This activity is expected to create Builders, Local Workers, and Appraisers who can understand and apply how to repair and build Earthquake Resistant Houses with Ferrocement Wrapping Technology […]
House Retrofitting in North Pakuli Village, Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi
After completing the retrofitting of 15 houses in Pakuli Utara Village, ADRA Indonesia continued the retrofitting with ferrocement wraps for 5 houses. Within 1 week from December 1, 2020, to December 8, 2020, the 5 houses have been strengthened. With 1 mason, 1 laborer, and assistance by the homeowner, this method of retrofitting was completed […]
In May 2020, ADRA again carried out retrofitting work for the building of people’s houses and the building of the Village Health Post (POSKESDES) in Puroo Village, Lindu District, Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi Province. Retrofitting of buildings using the ferrocement coating method. Before being retrofitted, the plaster of the old building walls which had been […]
Retrofitting Training in Maranatha Village, Sigi Biromaru District, Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi
ADRA (Adventist Development and Relief Agency) Indonesia, which for activities in Palu led by Mr. Samzon Purba, again held a mason training in Maranatha Village on February 25, 2020. The training given by Dr. Teddy Boen was attended by local masons and ADRA members who participated in the construction of earthquake-resistant Tembokan houses in Maranatha […]