In September 2018 an earthquake hit Central Sulawesi, resulting in landslides and liquefaction that led to extensive loss of lives, homes, farmland and assets; Sigi district was particularly affected. In December 2018, ADRA Indonesia conducted a situation assessment which identified the following needs and issues preventing recovery: (1) food insecurity and reliance on food assistance; (2) loss of livelihoods and facilities; (3) declining household income as a result of damaged agricultural land, loss of livestock and lack of inputs and technology; and, (4) lack of technology, business literacy skills, capital, and weak access to market for successful livelihood activities.
The ADRA Canada through the support of Canadian Food-grains bank initiated the livelihood project in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia, namely “REAF: Food Security Enhancement and Livelihood Recovery for Earthquake-Affected Farmers in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia”. The project is located in four villages, namely Omu and Tuva village sub-district of Gumbasa, Jono Oge village Sub-district of Sigi Biromaru and Bangga village, Sub-district of South Dolo. All villages located in Sigi District. The direct beneficiaries are targeted to 535 households (HHs) or approximately 2,140 people while the indirect benefiaries are targeted to 2,561 HHs or 11,099 people With time duration of April 1, 2019 until March 31, 2021, the project aims to enhance the food security of disaster-affected households by improving food availability and affordability through increased crop production and enhanced income from on-farm or off-farm interventions. This will be achieved through (1) training farmers groups in improved practices in crop production and livestock management; (2) training and employment opportunities in off-farm income generating and employment opportunities (including Cash for Work); (3) increased access to services in crop production and livestock management through training of lead farmers and Animal Health Workers; and, (4) increasing linkages to input and output suppliers by training agro-input suppliers and training farmers in marketing and post-harvest management. The training is actually school for farmers called Farmer Field School or school without wall. At the moment the project is in preparation steps and setting up project team and project inception.