The “Better Health through WASH Interventions” project will meet the immediate hygiene needs of 365 households the Central Sulawesi affected zone. ADRA anticipates targeting households in Sigi but will be flexible to fill gaps in Palu and Donggala. To meet these needs the activity requires 3 months of funding. Through this activity recipients affected by the earthquake and tsunami will have access to basic hygiene items for improved hygiene practice to minimize their health risk.
It is expected that the outcome of the project will be women, men, girls and boys with access to basic hygiene items that will prevent a deterioration of health. All women and girls of menstruating age are provided with appropriate sanitary pads for menstrual hygiene following consultation with the affected population. ADRA Indonesia will be directly involved for implementing including working with communities, distribution of kits, hygiene promotion and final reporting. This activity will build on the initial response of ADRA Indonesia in Central Sulawesi and its experience in similar programs. ADRA has established an office in Palu and started providing shelter kits to the affected population plus launched a WASH program. The ADRA Indonesia team has a corps of trained church volunteers who live in the affected zone who are assisting with the response.
With MFAT funding ADRA will complement the existing WASH project funded by DFAT with hygiene kits and additional hygiene promotion on optimal utilization of the kit contents.
As of 10 October, it is reported that 2,045 people are known to have died, more than 10,679 have been seriously injured and 835 people are still missing; there could be 5000 more deaths reported in the upcoming days. More than 67,310 houses have been severely damaged or destroyed by the earthquake, tsunami and liquefaction, leaving some 330,000 people (approximately 165,000 females; 2,904 elderly above the age of 65, of which 1,659 are female) without adequate shelter. The number of internally displaced persons (IDP) is expected to continue to rise as Government of Indonesia assessments are ongoing, and many areas remain inaccessible due to landslides and the destruction of infrastructure including roads and bridges. There are 82,775 displaced who are staying in scattered make-shift settlements near their destroyed homes with limited access to life-saving services including WASH.