ADRA Indonesia’s home garden at Bantar Gebang

ADRA Indonesia team in Bantar Gebang has been giving the training and socialization on urban farming, organic vegetables and how to make home-made compost fertilizer for the people’s home gardens. We have helped the people to establish and build the home gardens for their nutrition needs. Moreover, giving all the training and the socialization needed to be related to urban farming is also a significant approach to pursue our urban agriculture aims. During the socialization, ADRA team has been giving the support for the people of Bantar Gebang to continue what they have been doing so far. Growing vegetables in their homes naturally, without any chemicals substances, results for the healthier life. Besides, the blooming fruits and nourishing gardens are giving a beautiful touch in the middle of the place surrounded by trashes.

We realize that to work with and help the people towards a better life, we need to get their hearts to get the support. ADRA Indonesia has been continuously assisting the people there, nurture the people, be with them while they need our help.

The home gardens built at the people’s houses have benefitted the people in many ways; they get vegetable resources at home and are consuming it for their daily food needs.ADRA Indonesia is very grateful for all the support and love from the people of Bantar Gebang. Seeing the blooming flowers and vegetables and the happiness of the people consuming them, give us satisfaction and the strength to continue with our mission.

Bantar Gebang, October 2015

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