ADRA Indonesia PSD meeting


Programmatic Strategy Development meeting was held on 24-26 February 2016 in ADRA Indonesia country office in Jakarta.

In the first day, current ADRA Indonesia projects was presented by each of ADRA Indonesia Programme Manager. Current government policies, strategies and priorities for development, emergency response, DRR/CCA was also presented. Mrs.Vierna and Mrs. Caroline were present with us to share their experiences and knowledge on other major NGOs doing and their strategies.

The second day, ADRA supporting office priorities, funding mechanism and technical support possibilities was presented. The possibilities partnership with the SDA Church and Institution also presented. After the break we did the analysis of ADRA Indonesia current strategic plan and how to connect program strategy to our Organizational Strategic Plan. Next, we were divided into groups to map ADRA Indonesia’ SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities & Threat).

The last and the third day, we continued working on SWOT and brainstorming on which capacities ADRA Indonesia have and what needs to be developed. There were four main big items, and we discussed within the group into more details on what the action/steps required, the methodology, resources to use. After the blessed three days, we got a lot of knowledge. The great discussion had opened our eyes to feel and see more of opportunities ADRA Indonesia have.

We really thank you for all the participation. Special thank you is addressed for Brendon of ADRA Regional Office for his immense help and guidance.

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