ADRA Indonesia and Pujiono Center launch the LLDPP Program

ADRA Indonesia, in collaboration with Pujiono Center, recently launched a new program entitled LLDPP (locally lead Disaster Preparedness and Protection through strong institutions, capable staff, and continuous learning throughout three provinces in Indonesia). The launch took place at the Novotel Hotel Yogyakarta, 9-10 September 2020.

Clinton Rappell, Country Director of ADRA Indonesia, opened the activity. In his remarks, Clinton emphasized the importance of communication and coordination between two organizations as a key success to achieve the objective. He also reminded the participants that the beneficiaries have to feel safe and our policies are in place not just for the protection of our respective organisations but ultimately for the protection of those we are helping. This activity was attended by 19 participants (seven offline participants and 12 online participants) and packaged in a workshop. It aimed to build a common understanding between the ADRA Indonesia Team and the Pujiono Center Team around what is needed to implement the program.

The workshop activity included reviewing the project design (log frame), developing monthly planning, monitoring and evaluation, program and financial reporting, communication protocols, and several matters concerning policies and regulations both from internal ADRA and donors / ECHO (European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid).

Participants from ADRA Indonesia in this activity consisted of Karlo Purba (Program Director), Murni Kumala (Finance Director), Aminuddin Magatani (Project Manager), Ralfie Maringka (Marketing & Communication Manager), Ayang Susatya (Regency Coordinator of Sigi Regency), Robertus Desilfa (Regency Coordinator Kab. Bima), Rika Seputri (Regency Coordinator Kab. Pandeglang), Nuita Sukidjo (Coordinator Assistance), Prabowo Sequeira (Coordinator Assistance), Niken Utami (MEAL Officer) and Mery Ana Farida (MER Officer). Meanwhile, Pujiono Center was represented by Sumino (Policy Analysis), Zela Septikasari (Project Coordinator), Putu Henda Wijaya (Finance & Admin Officer), DR. Puji Pujiono, MSW, and Disya (admin).

The LLDPP project is a ‘co-operation,’ where the initial design and implementation involved five organizations, ADRA Indonesia, Pujiono Center, Plan Indonesia, MDMC (Muhammadiyah Disaster Management Center), and RedR. In general, the LLDPP project aims to improve the safety, dignity, and rights of affected people, minimize hazards and increase the access of affected people to assistance according to their needs and without discrimination for any future disasters in Banten, NTB, and Central Sulawesi Provinces. The project, which received funding from ECHO / European Commission, is being implemented in three regions, Central Sulawesi (Kab. Sigi), West Nusa Tenggara (Kab. Bima), and Banten (Kab. Pandeglang) with a project duration of 18 months, starting from July 2020 through to December 2021.

There are three results expected through this project:

  1. Increase local capacities to prepare and implement humanitarian responses that focus on adequate protection through inclusive institutional strengthening and contingency planning;
  2. Improved professional quality and accountability for humanitarian response by government and civil society stakeholders by their respective mandates and international humanitarian standards in the coming disaster; and
  3. Analysis, lessons learned recommendations on best practices and issues related to strengthening local humanitarian responses that could be benefited by other provinces.

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