A new life has begun

It has been 4 months since UAP has been implemented in Bantar Gebang, especially in Sumur Batu and Ciketing Udik villages. ADRA Indonesia through ADRA International gave their hands to the people of Bantar Gebang to establish vegetable gardens there. Through the efforts and understanding, we finally got the people’s support.We have conducted two pieces of training for this Urban Agriculture Project.

The first training was with Bekasi Berkebun in April 2015. In this training, the people of Bantar Gebang were taught the whole nine yards of gardening and got a broader view on agriculture. This boost the confidence for the people of Bantar Gebang to start doing their own gardening.We then started realizing our vegetable garden step by step. With the woods and bamboos, we constructed the shelves to build our home gardens. A good result is not formed within a week or a month. It is created little by little. After the perspiration of the people of Bantar Gebang, we finally have our vegetable shelves!.

Two months after the first training, in June, we conducted another training to arm the people more. BPTP (Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian) / Agriculture Technology’s Institute had helped us a lot in the second training. We learned the techniques of aquaponics in BPTP.“A garden requires patient labor and attention. Plants do not grow merely to satisfy ambitions or to fulfill good intentions. They thrive because someone expended effort on them.” (Liberty Hyde Bailey)The perspiration and efforts have finally paid off.

After few months, the plants’ root has taken hold, they are growing and flourishing now. A new life has begun for the plants and for the people in Bantar Gebang!

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